Monday, May 23, 2011

P.R.O.S.P.E.R.I.T.Y.: The 10 Universal Principles for Creation

P.R.O.S.P.E.R.I.T.Y.: The 10 Universal Principles for Creation Review

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P.R.O.S.P.E.R.I.T.Y.: The 10 Universal Principles for Creation Feature

We are "Creators" and not "attractors!" One thing is certain, the world is becoming a much smaller place. Technology, media coverage, politics and economic decisions from half-way across the world have the ability to affect our every day lives. Jobs are becoming scarcer, costs of living are going up, incomes and property values are decreasing and unless the entire global economy collapses (which some think it eventually may), we have to figure out how to best navigate through it all to survive and even more challengingly - PROSPER! There have been quite a few books on "Law of Attraction" that have been written to date. However, most of these books tend to fall short of hitting the appropriate mark for helping the reader to implement and succeed. As a Licensed Financial Advisor, former Naval Officer and life-long Yogi/Metaphysician, I believe this to be the first of its kind that brings together wisdom, expertise and strategies to help you truly make a shift towards greater prosperity! Many of today’s “Law of Attraction” books seem to suggest a fairytale doctrine that merely sitting back and thinking about riches, health and love will create a surplus of these experiences and an abundance of wealth. Most of them, however, tend to leave out a vital requirement in manifesting your dreams and that’s - a significant degree of willpower! As long as we are living in the flesh, we are three-part beings of body, mind & soul and therefore must incorporate all three aspects to change our experience and impact the world around us. Lateef Terrell Warnick as a successful self-published author, entrepreneur, social media expert and business owner has the experience and credentials to bring together three of the best worlds to establishing a definite program to understanding how your knowledge, thoughts and actions all coincide to produce your experience. We are all natural-born creators and we must fully realize this as three-part beings in body, mind & soul. Successful skills of leadership, effective time management, organization, networking and people skills is what is required of the body. An in depth knowledge base, creativity and wisdom is necessary of the mind. Having a balanced and in-tune spirit is vital to produce the fulfillment and joy we all seek in life! Many of us have been erroneously taught that prosperity is all about an abundance of receiving money, when in fact all successful entrepreneurs and business people will attest that their success was mostly in part to “giving” something of value to an audience seeking it. Hence, Warnick has created an acronym for prosperity, virtually redefining it to help remind us of its true essence, most effective attitude and the focus of P.R.O.S.P.E.R.I.T.Y.: "PRINCIPLE REASONS OPTIMISTIC SERVICE PRODUCES EXPONENTIAL RICHNESS INEVITABLY THROUGH YOU!" This book will provide 10 principles for you to incorporate that will help you to succeed & prosper in body, mind & spirit. Some people may appear to get ahead by “breaking the rules” such as a Bernie Madoff but these so-called “success” stories are always short-lived while the old adage is true, “You reap what you sow!” Learn and understand through ancient wisdom, proven studies along with quantum physics how to create lasting prosperity and happiness without sacrificing health, family, friends or your personal integrity!

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