Saturday, August 6, 2011

Emergings: A Meditation on the Emotions of Change

Emergings: A Meditation on the Emotions of Change Review

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Emergings: A Meditation on the Emotions of Change Feature

The book that waited twenty five years to be published Emergings, a meditation on the emotions of change, combines Suzie's own artworks with an extended poem she wrote at a time of great personal change some 20 years ago. Many people who over the years who have seen the book have urged Suzie to publish it. The book is ideal for anyone seeking to understand and master the emotional challenge, often very profound, which always accompanies any attempt to break from old ways and launch ourselves on a new path, whether self discovery, a new business or a new relationship. Or simply recovering the enthusiasm of our youth. Whether you are moved by words or visual imagery, you will find something in this book to delight and inspire you and anyone you choose to share the book with as a gift. Suzie wrote "emergings" when she was navigating a major career change, the book combines an extended poem on change with original watercolor paintings. Who will want to have this book? - anyone who has set out on a path of self-discovery - anyone who wants to live their life on purpose - anyone who wants to make a difference - anyone whose emotions are challenged by facing the challenge of change - anyone for who "more of the same" will not work anyone who aspires to realize their own magnificence - change warriors in hiding “Emergings contains such a basic and fundamental truth! It really condenses so many of the core teachings of Buddhism into a poem! See, everything is accelerating, energies are becoming less dense, and we are understanding more of how the universe operates....and you saw it more than 23 years ago!” - E.Dee Conrad author of A New Dawn Awaits "Reading Suzie Cheel's book 'Emergings' is like having a strong, gentle hand outstretched to you as you travel on the highway of life. Her authentic words and illustrations prod you into your own soul of your own emerging journey.This is not a book you read once - it calls you back to re-read & re-experience." -Ellie Walsh - Law of Attraction Life Coach "Emergings" is a wonderful little vacation from the "real" world. I felt compelled forward by the story - both in the text and the paintings. It's delightful even as a treat, but the truth it tells makes it so much more. I look forward to revisiting it, and sharing this with others". -Brad Yates- EFT Wizard

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